Tuesday, 16 January 2007


Hi Welcome to a blog designed to interest keen gardeners around the world.

For years I've been an enthusiastic gardener in the UK and am now lucky to be able to garden in North Cyprus. A place with very short mild winters and long long summers.

In the UK geraniums would be grown in pots and baskets, here in Cyprus they become shrubs can you imagine. One in my garden will need to be pruned in the next month or so to give it a chance before summer comes. Its over 6ft tall at the moment and almost as wide. I'll prune it down to about a foot high just to stop it behaving like Jack in the beanstalk. Even then mid summer it will require the same treatment which is a real shame as it will be in full flower and will leave a huge gap when it gets cut back to almost ground level. Still its not for long, it will be back and flourishing almost immediately.

Anyway enough of that, this was supposed to be a Welcome message so WELCOME gardeners WORLDWIDE

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